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Twerk與Afrobeats的結合依舊是可以充滿歡樂,風格與態度!沒人說用屁股跳舞就一定只能性感,想要幹嘛。在非洲的某些地區文化,婚喪喜慶都能運用臀部舞動著!社群媒體你看到的不表示就是那樣,答案大抵都要我們見識的夠多,知道世界有多少大,才能多少得到一些。課後我分享了一些文化知識的東西,不表示我肯定正確無誤,我分享的是我的整理,我的認知,大家應該就這些訊息去找出更多的答案,鼓勵多去與別人交流,分享知識,找到自己最能認同的說法!好像有點太嚴肅了!anyway, 看到大家上課很享受,我個人覺得已值得!能跟少恩一起分享這堂課,也覺得非常開心,希望大家喜歡囉!✈️🌍🙅🏻‍♀️❤️🍑 This is the last ws of Taiwan twerk family dance camp, Nix @nixshihlol and I decided to teach this song as a happy ending! I know there are a lot of people have wrong image about twerking. Like I said at the camp, twerk can be sexy, cool, beautiful, powerful, full of swag, happy, celebrating and so on! What y’all watch girls that wear super short batty rider or thongs or even naked🤣 on social media, it’s just some parts of twerk dressing style. I mean it’s personal choice. Twerk itself is a very good hips training, dance and exercise. So we wanna share different image of twerk by this choreography and our dress style! Hope y’all enjoy the vibe. Peace ✌🏼 and love ❤️ 🎵 Mama Africa by @smashbracket Choreography by myself and @nixshihlol Video by @_awei._ WS Organizer by @wangonglin @daye_tsai . . . #taiwan #twerk #afrobeats #africanmusic #afrofusion #afromusic #afrodance #iwalk #dance #dancer #choreography #aafreeka🌍 #自由非行 #nyssathekueenz #afrodaily #bööty #台灣 #街舞 #舞者 #danceworkshop #鈴果
